When was the last time you drove past a store with no cars in front of it and stopped? You probably can’t think of the last time. This same concept applies to Facebook. If you have very few followers, it’s likely that people aren’t going to want to engage with your page. Learn how to […]
Archives: Think Tank
Custom Think Tank
When Was the Last Time You Watched A Video?
As consumers, it’s easy to immerse ourselves in endless video content. However, as business owners and marketers, we’re scared to actually create content. Why is this, and how do we stop talking about videos and actually start creating videos? Find out in this weeks Think Tank Tuesday. […]
Stop pricing your products and services like it’s 1995.
Stop pricing your products and services like it’s 1995. It’s time to increase your trust factor with prospective clients by changing your pricing structure. […]
What are you focusing on?
“We sometimes miss the fruit of our hard work due to focusing on the wrong things”. Yes were busy but what were doing is not really moving us any closer to the results we desire. Here is a sharable quote “Focus on the Root not the Fruit”. We must be calculated in the actions we take. […]
Salesmanship 101: How To Really Sell
We’re going to talk about salesmanship; how to really sell. Are you constantly looking for the next customer or are you building relationships? Find out how to become a better salesperson on this week’s Think Tank Tuesday. […]
Are You a Social Media Handyman?
It’s one thing to have a shed full of tools, but knowing how to use those tools is another matter. The same goes for social media. Learn more on this week’s Think Tank Tuesday. […]
Are you missing your biggest opportunity?
Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, you’re probably looking to sell more. But are you breaking the golden rule of sales? Find out what it is and how to make sure you’re not on this week’s Think Tank Tuesday. […]
Paid search not working like it use to?
When visitors come to your website, are they converting? It’s so difficult to get those leads. The answer used to be pumping up paid search but times are changing. […]
3 Things That Make a Great Logo
This week on Think Tank Tuesday, Ally & Haley take over to reveal how to make a great logo for your business. What does it take for consumers to remember your name? Watch this week’s episode to find out! […]
How to Sell Like Amazon
Have you ever put an item in your shopping cart on Amazon and then started getting emails and ads about that product? It might seem like the product is following you around the internet. Well, these products ARE following you. And on this week’s Think Tank Tuesday, Paul is going to show you step-by-step exactly […]